Article Structure:
In the menu bar, you will find 🔔 Notifications menu, there you will have an overview of all your ongoing activities in your online calendar, as well as an overview of all e-mails sent automatically by the system.
1. Activity Log

In Activity Log, you will always see what activities have taken place in your calendar:
Service created:

Service updated:

Service deleted:

Customer created:

Customer updated:

Customer deleted:

Booking created:

Booking updated:

Booking deleted:

Resources created:

Resources updated:

Resources deleted:

For each activity, you can see at any time which of your employees made a change in the calendar and when.
The colour coding and the filter option also allow you to search for the respective activities quickly and easily at any time:

2. Email Status
We often receive support requests to check whether any, for example, email appointment confirmations have actually been sent to the respective customer. You can now check this yourself in your calendar!

Our email provider SendGrid guarantees a 100% delivery quote - as long as the specified customer email actually exists. You can check this in your calendar at any time, and we distinguish between five different statuses:

This email is prepared for dispatch by our server provider.

If an email is marked as "Sent", this means that our email provider has tried to deliver the email. We are waiting for an update of the destination server. An update can take between a few seconds and a few hours, depending on the settings of the target server.

If an email is marked as "Delivered", it has been successfully sent and accepted by the recipient's server. Delivery does not necessarily mean that the e-mail will also appear in the recipient's mailbox. The e-mail may have ended up in the recipient's junk/spam folder or, in rare cases, was automatically deleted by the recipient's server.

The email was successfully transmitted to the destination server and the recipient.

The email did not reach the recipient. Either their inbox is full, or there was a connection timeout.

This is a permanent delivery error caused by specifying an incorrect, a non-existent email address or incorrectly assigned destination server. Hard bounces affect our reputation as an email provider and are therefore automatically blocked. Please contact our support if you would like to unblock a hard bounce.

This email was blocked by the intended recipient's mailbox. The reason maybe that the recipient marked the email as spam or that the recipient email provider did not allow the email to be delivered.