Do you have teams based in different countries and time zones? Or an international customer base that makes an appointment with you at your local branch?
Then activate the multi time zone scheduler in your TIMIFY account and receive and manage appointments from anywhere in the world. Interact with your branches and employees regardless of the time zone. If required, set different time zones for your calendar and those of your employees.
And this is how you make the setting in your account:
In your TIMIFY account, click on "Bookings" in the menu bar on the left. Under the "Settings" tab, click on "Widget" and then on the red pencil to edit the area.

2. At the bottom you can activate the time zone selection and save the respective setting.

Multi time zone scheduler in your booking widget
In your booking widget, the time zone selection will now appear after selecting the service. Once a booker selects a specific time zone, the available booking times will update according to the time zone and local time. For example, if a booker selects the time zone "Eastern Standard Time - New York", all available times will be displayed in the local time and e.g. as 6 pm.
Both the booker and the respective internal resource will continue to receive the e-mail appointment confirmations in the respective local time of the time zone.