With TIMIFY you can add any "blocker" during your booking hours to your calendar and block single hours or days to exclude them from the online booking.
How to create a blocker
To create a blocker that is shorter than a day, simply click in the calendar in the desired time window and create a title booking. For example, if you want to be blocked from 13:00 to 15:00, click on 13:00 and enter a 2 hour appointment here. You can now give this appointment a special name or just the title "Blocker".

If you want to exclude one or more days from the online booking, we recommend the day blocker function from your shift plan, which you can open by clicking on the "Shift Plan" button in the upper right corner of the calendar.
In the shift plan you will find the day blocker (hand symbol) with which you can exclude one or more days from online booking with just a few clicks.

Please find more info about the shift plan feature here: This is how the Shift Plan works