Time Management Techniques for Entrepreneurs and Freelancers Working From Home

Sam Bowman
By Sam Bowman
11 June, 2024

Struggling to stay productive at home? Discover proven time management techniques for entrepreneurs & freelancers to maximize focus, crush deadlines, and win back your free time

time management techniques for freelancers

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. This notion is backed by data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau, which shows that the average commute of in-person workers is 27.6 minutes each way. That’s nearly an hour of wasted time per day that you can ill afford if you’re an entrepreneur or a freelancer. However, utilizing your newfound free time is easier said than done. It’s all too easy to whittle away the hours while watching TV and scrolling through social media when working from home. Similarly, you may find that remote working leads to more distractions, as your family can easily interrupt your workflow when you WFH. Protect your productivity and maximize your efficiency by utilizing time management techniques that work. Even simple techniques, like creating a daily schedule, can significantly boost your productivity and help you work more effectively.

Effective Scheduling

If you’re self-employed, you already know the value of effective scheduling. A good schedule ensures that your daily tasks are completed on time and that your efforts go toward the fulfillment of long-term goals. However, if it’s been a while since you last wrote down your daily schedule, now might be the perfect time to revise your approach. 

Start by identifying your “must-do” time-sensitive tasks. These are non-negotiable and are essential to the smooth running of your business. For example, if you run an Etsy store and sell knitted sweaters, this would be when you note down the time you spend actually knitting. 

Next, note down the things that bring joy and balance to your life. Treating these as a priority is key, as staying active can improve your time management if you’re working as an entrepreneur or a freelancer. Scheduling time for activities like yoga, walking, or working out ensures that you always get to the gym, studio, or trailhead in time. 

Finally, consider your broader operational goals. Do you want to improve your marketing? Do you need to go over your accounts again? Are you trying to invoice clients more regularly? Make time for these activities in your schedule to ensure that your tertiary business goals are not overlooked. 

Rather than blocking out free time, consider giving yourself the flexibility to use this time however you’d like. This can help you naturally destress after a busy work day and enjoy the freedom that freelancing and entrepreneurship offer. 

Redesigning Your Workspace

a freelancer working space at home
Source: timify

Working from home can be a real boon if you’re a dedicated, disciplined person. You don’t have to get involved in office chit-chat and can skip unnecessary meetings. However, no amount of discipline and good intentions can overcome a poorly designed workspace. A bad workspace will lead to interruptions, undermine your productivity, and leave you feeling frazzled by the end of the day. 

If you love working from home but have been perching on the kitchen counter for the past few months, consider converting an ancillary room like a garage into a home office. This is a great way to make use of a space that you no longer use now that you do not commute. You can convert a garage into a home office by: 

  • Declutter: Deep clean your space and remove anything that contains a harsh smell or is likely to get in the way. If you can’t remove a big item (like bikes or tools) use storage hacks like overhead racks and sleek storage bins to hide them. 
  • Install the Essentials: You’ll need to install power strips, HVAC systems, insulation, and security devices before you can start using your home office. These essentials can be a little pricey but are sure to offer enhanced productivity once you start working in your new space. 
  • Furniture: There’s no point setting up a home office in your garage if you still work on stalls and benches. Invest in some ergonomic seating and find a desk that suits the floor plan. If you still have some money left over, consider buying a comfortable lounge chair and a mini-fridge so you can take quick breaks during the day. 

These steps will boost your productivity while WFH and save you plenty of backache in the years to come. If you can’t invest in a home office all at once, consider taking incremental steps and working towards saving for bigger ticket items like chairs over the course of months and years. 

Time-Saving Software

Effective time management is all about maximizing the time you spend at the desk. However, if you’ve recently become self-employed or are entering the entrepreneurial world for the first time, you may be shocked to discover how much time administrative tasks suck from your schedule. 

Rather than spending your entire workweek invoicing clients and updating CRMs, try to automate as many processes as possible. Automation technology, like intelligent design software, can speed up your work processes and help you focus on the tasks that bolster your bottom line. It can reduce the risk of human error, too, as digitizing your documents will help you use workflow management programs that automatically tag projects as they progress. If you’re new to the idea of automation, start with programs like: 

  • Asana
  • Wrike
  • Trello
  • Hootsuite 
  • Hubspot

These tools offer a range of automated services designed to improve your record-keeping, bolster your understanding of the market, and achieve peak productivity. You don’t need to use all these programs, either, as many serve the same (or similar) functions. 


Effective scheduling can help you avoid common time management mishaps and improve your ability to work for sustained periods. This is crucial as an entrepreneur or freelancer, as you need to be performing at your best if you want to make an impact in your market. You can also lean on automation tools to take care of the heavy lifting and leave you more time to focus on the tasks that really matter. 

Sam Bowman

About the author

Sam Bowman

Sam Bowman writes about people, tech, wellness, and how they merge. He enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore

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