If you frequently work with the same team members, and want to have easy access to their schedules - or to add them to a meeting as a group, instead of one-by-one - this feature is for you.
Good to know
Available for Enterprise Plans
This is a user based setting. That means, each user can customise the feature to suit their needs
Article Structure
How to create a Resource Group
How to view Resource Groups in your Calendar
How to add Resource Groups to Bookings
How to create a Resource Group
From your calendar home, click on the resources dropdown in the calendar bar
Click on add new resource group
Give your resource group a name
Click on resources in your list to add them to the group
Save your group. That’s it!
How to view Resource Groups in your Calendar
Resource groups can be utilised for the agenda and shift plan, as well as for the daily and weekly calendar views. Simply select your preferred calendar view, then select the resource group from the resource display. Here are a few handy tips on managing resources from the resource display window:
Use the drag-and-drop to manage the order resources appear in.
Would you like to view a combination of resources from your resource group, plus additional resources? You can. Simply swap in additional resources from your resource list, and/or swap out resources from the group.

Don't forget the scroll function! You can view unlimited resources from the daily view in the calendar. Here's more info.
How to add Resource Groups to Bookings
When you add a booking to your calendar, or when you search for a booking slot in the fast booking widget, instead of selecting individual resources from the resource dropdown, you can select a resource group.

Once selected, each resource appears individually. Just as in the calendar display, this gives you the flexibility to add in and/or swap out resources.
A tip for calendar bookings: check the availability of your resources before you add the booking.

Want to learn more about resources? This article is a good place to start.