Good to know:
This feature works at the user level. That means each user can customise the feature to suit their needs
Available for Enterprise Plans
Do not get confused with resource categories (see section: "Management" >> "Resources" in the menu on the left)
Article Structure
1. What Are Resource Groups For?
Do you work across one or more teams, or need to schedule meetings for teams? If so, this feature is for you: it allows you to hand-pick teams of resources, to create resource groups. These groups will display in the calendar resource list, the calendar booking form, and the fast booking widget. That means you can quickly populate your calendar with a resource groups' schedule, and arrange meetings in a matter of clicks. It’s quick and convenient, and saves you the time-consuming task of checking individual resource calendars, one by one. Best of all, you can add unlimited resources to a resource group.
2. How To Create Resource Groups
From your calendar home, click on the resources dropdown in the calendar
Click on add new resource group
Give your resource group a name
Click on the resources in your list to add them to your group
Save your group. That’s it!

3. Using Resource Groups Practically
Once you have set up your resource group, you have the possibility to select the resource group to have in one click...
...their shift plan displayed
...their calendar displayed in the daily view / weekly view
Once selected, each resource appears individually. Just as in the calendar display, this gives you the flexibility to add in and/or swap out resources.

...their availability in the fastbooking widget

...appointments allocated directly with one click to the whole resource group

ℹ️ before you add a booking to your calendar, we suggest you review all the resource schedules first, spot the gaps in their schedules, and add the booking when you know they all have availability - to avoid conflicts