If you want to save documents to customer files or bookings, this data field is really useful.
You can use it to accept consent forms pre-appointment as part of the customer online booking process. It's also handy for uploading documents or reports you create, and want to attach to a customer file or booking straight from your account.
Article Structure:
1. How to add a File Upload to your account
2. How the Upload File displays in your calendar
3. How the Upload File displays in your booking widget
1. How to add a File Upload data field to your account
Navigate to Customers → Data Fields, then scroll to the category you want to create the data field for, and click the "add" icon.
In this example, we want to upload insurance certificates for our patients, so we selected our "Patient Documents" category.

Give your data field a name. You can see below that we called our field "Patient Insurance Certificate".
Select File Upload as the field type. Then select whether one or more files can be saved to the field, and what field types you accept.
Now, select the field type. We selected the Customer Field option: this means the Upload File option will display when we add or edit a customer file. If you select the option Booking Field, the Upload File option will display when you add or edit a booking.
Next, select the services the field should apply to.

Scroll further down the form, and select your field preview preferences.
Next - very importantly - activate the field for the Calendar - and for your Booking Widget - if you want to allow customers to submit files when they book online.
Lastly, write a description for the data field. This is particularly important if you activated the field for your booking widget, as it is your opportunity to explain to customers what sort of file they can upload, and why.

Hit save, and you're done.
The field should be available in your Customer File or Customer Booking Form - depending on the field type you selected - when you add or edit a customer file or booking.
2. How the Upload File displays in your calendar
Below is a screenshot of how our above Upload File displays in the calendar, when we add a customer file:

3. How the Upload File displays in your booking widget
Here's how the Upload File displays in the booking widget: