With the data fields feature you can adapt TIMIFY even better to the needs of your company. Use predefined data fields such as phone number or first and last name or create individual data fields to collect more specific information from your customers that is important for the appointment or customer relationship.
💡Which insurance company does the customer belong to? What kind of artificial nails does the customer normally have on? When is the customer's birthday - how old is he or she? No matter what question you want your customer to answer - create a suitable data field and find out!
You will find all data fields in your customer database (under "Customers" > "Customer list") and can fill them out while creating a new appointment. Optionally, you can also have them displayed and filled out by your customer when they book online.
Data fields in the customer database

Data fields when creating a new appointment

Data fields during online booking

How do I create a new data field?
To add a new data field, first select the category in which your data field is to be placed and click the ➕icon or create a new category using the 📁icon.

When creating a new data field, you first select a name and the category of the field.
If you want your customer to enter information in the data field in a certain format, you can specify this with the option "Field type". You can choose between the following field types:
Adress, E-Mail, Phone number
Check box
Multiple entries
Text field ( single or multiple line)
Time zone

💡For the example health insurance company you could choose a "Text field (single line)" for entering the name of the insurance company or you could use "Multiple entries" and list all health insurance companies in a drop-down menu. If only the information whether your customer is privately insured is important to you, a check box is also possible here.
Depending on what information is requested, it is important to see all previous customer entries in a history or to be able to display only the most recent entry. You can now either save all data, e.g. for a booking history ("Keep copies of the data") or display and save only the latest entry ("Overwrite data").

Now you have to assign a service to the data field. You also have the option to select "All" services. More information about services: This is how you create services.
💡Some customer data, such as name and email address, are probably required for all services you offer. However, some data fields also provide very detailed information that is only relevant for one or a few services - e.g. whether your customer is suffering from an illness or allergy that can lead to complications during a certain treatment.
Additional Data Field Settings
Finally, you can activate the data field so that it appears in the customer database and can be filled out.
💡You can find your customer database in the section "Customers > Customer list". If you click on a customer there, all data (fields) of that customer will be displayed.
In this area, you also specify whether the customer field is mandatory to be filled in internally by one of your employees or not. Optionally you can also activate the data field for the online booking, so that your customer already enters data online during the booking.

If you activate the field for online booking, you can now choose whether the field should be displayed before or after the customer has submitted his data or logged in.
Check the box "Mandatory booking field" if you need the customer to fill in this field to finish his booking. Don't forget to save all entries at the end below.
Categorize data fields
In the overview of your data fields you can use the ️ ↕️icon to move your data fields and assign them to another category. You can create a new category by clicking on the 📁icon next to it.

By the way, you can see the status of the data field from the colors on the left side of the data fields.
grey - the data field is neither published in the customer database nor activated for online booking
yellow - the data field is available in the customer database, but not activated for online booking
green - the data field is activated in the customer database as well as available for online booking
Data fields help you to collect all relevant customer data while they're booking online or when you create a new appointment. This way you are always perfectly prepared for the next customer.