Get more bookings by integrating TIMIFY with Reserve with Google

Reserve with Google
Supported Plan
App details

TerminApp GmbH


May. 2021


Reserve with Google

Reserve with Google is a service developed by Google which allows anyone to schedule an appointment with service providers via Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Assistant. TIMIFY is a Reserve with Google partner, meaning TIMIFY users can offer customers direct bookings from their Business Profile on Google. This provides a fresh channel to receive bookings, with the potential to increase sales.

Reserve with Google
Reserve with Google
Reserve with Google
Reduce booking barriers
Reduce booking barriers

Introduce a new easy process by which customers self-schedule appointments straight from Google search results.

A new booking channel
A new booking channel

Benefit from a significant new customer acquisition channel: Google is the world’s largest search platform.

Improved SEO
Improved SEO

Increased visibility: this integration improves your SEO and can help your business rank higher in Google search results.


Fast conversions

Customers can view and book your services straight from your Google My Business Profile or Google Maps. Bookings are completed directly from the Google results page, minimising conversion breaks.

Fast conversions
Real-time updates

Real-time updates

Appointments booked on Google are instantly added to your TIMIFY calendar, triggering notifications for the customer and any related resources.

Double confirmation

Double confirmation

In addition to the TIMIFY booking confirmation, Google will also send a separate confirmation to your customer.

Data sync

Data sync

Resource availability is immediately synced across all your booking channels and calendars, avoiding double bookings.

Cancelling & Rescheduling

Cancelling & Rescheduling

Your customers can cancel and reschedule their bookings in few clicks straight from their Google account.

Benefit from these other integrations
Zoom Sync
Zoom Sync
Integrate Zoom for any services that require phone or video conferencing: links are automatically added to bookings, and emailed to participants.
Google Calendar Sync
Google Calendar Sync
Calendar Synchronisation
No more double bookings, scheduling conflicts, or missed appointments: sync your Google and TIMIFY Calendars to stay on top of your schedule.
TIMIFY Booking Links
TIMIFY Booking Links
Omni-Channel Booking
Create links to individual services or team members, and share them with customers via a QR code PDF, email, or social media for one-click booking.
Zapier Sync
Zapier Sync
Connect your Zapier account to TIMIFY, and integrate automated scheduling workflows with Zapier’s 1,500-plus business apps to boost your productivity.