The Booking Data Manager gives the end customer the possibility to change directly by themselves selected data fields which have been already entered during the booking process (i.e., names of participants, notes, individually created booking fields like number plates). Through this possibility you do not have to be contacted directly by your clients anymore which saves you also resources in your team - so no manual effort from your side is needed.
Good To Know:
This is a a private app and needs to be activated from our side on request, please contact your account manager or the support team to get it activated
It is available only for Premium and Enterprise plans
The app facilitates the change only of booking fields, however not services
once a client is doing the change by himself, you will not get informed separately
At the moment this app is only available in English and French.
Article Structure:
1. How It Works
The client will receive a link in the confirmation mail, which enables the possibility to change data fields by himself, after the booking was made. It is you who can decide which booking fields should be editable. On top the client might receive a reminder that certain data fields still can be changed until a specific date, depending on your configuration.
2. Configuration Of The App
Since this is a private app, the first step is that we have to activate it manually on request. After the activation of the app, you can find it in the "Private apps", so it appears in "My Apps" after your installation.

Once the app is installed, please configure the following fields:
Editing deadline Until what time before the booking should it be possible to edit the booking fields
Email message including header
Reminder mail to change optionally data fields activate or deactivate this option and select a time when the reminder should be sent. In case you activate the booking reminder, you can write an additional, individual text which appears in the email
Service selection Which data fields of which services are editable

You will see the customers who have received a possibility to change some fields in the tab upcoming bookings and archived bookings.

You can enter the customer details and trigger even manually another reminder that booking data fields might be changed, or you can send a custom email, which includes the update button.

3. Customer View
The customer can click in the email confirmation or in the reminder on the button to edit the desired data.

Validating the account to be allowed to do the corresponding modification

Next, the customer will have the possibility to enter exactly the details, which you have previously allowed to be modified. It will be also shown, how much time is left for further editings. The customer will see the edit possibilities of the corresponding booking for which they received the email or reminder.