Here is what you need to know:
If you decide not to use the ICS File Customisation feature, the default ICS file will be sent with the confirmation email to your customers and resources.
The hyperlink you set in the service description is not recognisable when converted to the ICS file, and when you import the file, only plain text will be shown. In case you want to display a hyperlink, an alternative way will be to type the full URL ( or
You can also download the ICS file right after you submit the booking form. You will then see a button called "Add booking to my calendar…", click on it and the download.ics file will be downloaded to your browser download folder.
Article structure:
1. How to Activate the ICS File
In order to activate the ICS file Customisation feature, please head to Settings > Booking, then edit the Booking tab and scroll down at the bottom where you will see both options Customer ICS file and Resource ICS file.
Activate the one you need, and further settings will expand.

2. Customer ICS File
In this option, you can set up what information to be shown in the client's calendar by choice.

A useful option here is the Data field entry(ies). It allows you to choose from the Booking Data Fields you already have and will be displayed for the services they have been assigned to - when there is an entry for the field.
Customer Data Fields display as long as there is a customer assigned to the booking.

Another interesting option is the Customer note, where you can add additional text from the service description to the end customer.
Note: Customer note is generic for all services and cannot be customer-specific, once you add the text there it will be included in all Customer ICS files.
Here is an example how the Customer ICS file will look from the customer perspective:

3. Resource ICS file
This option allows you to customise the settings for your resources, so they can have the booking details and customer information directly in their preferred calendar.

A very useful option we included here is the "Link to calendar booking" with which your resources can have fast and easier access to the booking overview in their TIMIFY calendar. Once a resource click on the URL, he will be redirected to the Booking Details, where he can manage everything related to the booking and customer.

Here is an example how the Resource ICS file will look from the resource perspective: