Resources in TIMIFY are for most of our users employees but they can also be things like rooms or even equipments. Basically, resources are the people and/or things that are involved in a booking.
For an optimal overview of all resources you can allocate them into categories.
To assign resources to categories, you must first create your resources. Here you can find more details: How to add resources to your account.
Allocate your resources to categories.
To create a new category, click on the folder icon in the top right corner.

Now specify whether resources in this category can be booked online one by one, for example if for a determined service only one of the resources need to be booked; or if one of the resources in this category needs to be booked in combination with other resources that are not online bookable or are part of a different team, like for example a resource needs to be booked with another employee or with a meeting room.

These kind of dependencies help you to have a better overview of your calendar.
You will also have now the possibility to create more than one dependencies between your resources. In the following article we will explain you how to do this: Create dependencies between multiple resources.