Use this app to sync your Google and TIMIFY Calendars. It's really handy to have your meetings show in both - plus it stops you from getting double bookings.
Here's what you need to know
This app is available for TIMIFY Premium plans.
Once you've got the app set up, this article explains how to deal with sync conflicts and this article lists all sync exceptions.
TIMIFY syncs with 1 Google Calendar for any given Google Account. So if you have more than one resource using the same Google Account, only the most recently requested resource sync will take place.
Article structure
What the app offers
How to install the Google Calendar App
How to Manage your Sync Settings
How to Invite a Resource to Sync their Calendar
How to Deactivate a Resource Sync
1. What the app offers
One-way sync (either Google → TIMIFY or TIMIFY → Google) OR two-way sync
Real-time calendar updates
Secure connection
Option to apply sync settings to all resource calendar syncs
Option to apply individual sync settings for each resource.
2. How to install the Google Calendar App
Click on Apps → Calendar Synchronisation → Google Calendar in your App Marketplace.

To use the app, you need to agree with the Privacy Policy.

3. How to Manage your Sync Settings
You can manage all your sync options in the settings tab. We recommend you get this set up before you invite resources to sync.
Access the settings by clicking on the settings tab ⚙️, highlighted below. You can manage options for each sync direction, as highlighted below;

You also can decide whether event/booking data should get imported, or the event/booking should sync anonymously. Anonymous syncing is preferred by a number of our users: it means when your team wants to keep their bookings or events private, no data gets synced other than the booking or event length.
For Google -> TIMIFY sync, this is the only option available.

Note: any time you make changes to your settings, these changes will be applied to all future appointments only.
4. How to Invite a Resource to Sync their Calendar
In the overview tab, a list of resources appears with whom you share your calendar - including you. Simply invite the resource(s) you want to sync to TIMIFY. The red box status will change from "Invite" to "Awaiting Confirmation".

The next steps are for the resource:
You should receive an email from Google, with a link to start the Google sync. NOTE: sometimes this goes to the junk or spam mail folder!
Open the link: you will be asked by Google if you wish to grant TIMIFY access, and then select which of your Google Calendars you want to sync.

Select the Google Calendar you wish to sync, and click connect.
You should receive an email confirmation, saying that your calendar has been successfully synced.
Depending on how much data there is to sync, the import process can take anywhere from a matter or to a number of hours (this is likely if you have a vast amount of bookings). The resource will appear like this when the sync is complete:

5. How to Manage Individual Resource Settings and Deactivate a Sync
Go to your overview tab. Click on the drop-down next to the resource whose settings you want to manage. You can manage sync directions, specify what data should be included in the sync. You can also view their sync log - this will display any sync conflicts.
The last option is to disable the resource sync.

6. Watch out for sync alerts ⚠️
Once you’ve completed your calendar sync, both calendars stay in constant communication with each other, pushing updates to the other calendar.
Occasionally, Google fails to send “refresh tokens”: this means your TIMIFY Calendar may stop getting updates from your Google Calendar. As soon as we detect that Google failed to supply a refresh token, we’ll send you an alert, which will display in your Sync Conflicts tab.