For complex bookings, it is sometimes necessary to schedule several employees or, for example, employees with rooms in a dependency of each other. With TIMIFY you can define which resources should be linked and when, simplifying the administration and utilisation of multiple resources.
To create a dependency, you must first create a service in the Management > Services section. Here you can create dependencies when adding resources. Now you can specify, for example, that certain resources must always be available in combination or at least with one resource from different categories such as employees and rooms.
You start with the first resource or with the selection of several resources.

With the red button Add another Dependent you can now add a dependency. The example in the picture below shows, for example, a scenario in which one of three selected employees must be available with a room at the same time for the booking to be bookable.
You can delete a dependencies using the 🗑icon.

Linking several resources makes it easier for you to optimise the utilisation of your employees, rooms or equipment. This ensures that all necessary resources are always available for a specific service and at the required time.