The global customer management allows you to have full control over your customer data at any time via the TIMIFY Branch Manager and to keep it always up to date!
Ensure that changes such as contact data are synchronized in real time with all branches assigned and thus only one single record of relevant customer data is available in your company.
Add, edit or delete customers
1. Add new customers
Add new customers to your company quickly and easily and assign them to all or assigned branches. Use the red "+" symbol to add all relevant customer data:

Then, click on the Branches tab and specify which locations should inherit the new customer.
You then have to choose whether to make it available for All branches (that would include any new branches created in the future as well), or for Specific branches that you can select manually.
If you at any time select All branches and save your choice, this action is irreversible and you won't be able to switch to Specific branches later on.

After saving, all (newly) added customers can be seen in the "Active Customer" overview:

Using the filter function, you can also quickly and easily search for specific customers, e.g. by "Most Bookings", location or the respective tag you have assigned to the customer.
You can also use our API to import global shared customers to all your branches. Contact our support team via our website for further information and requirements to access our developer platform.
2. Edit customers
Before you edit a customer, you must first define who is allowed to make changes to the customer data. By activating this in the global settings within the TIMIFY Branch Manager, you can ensure that the local branch is not allowed to make any changes to the customer information:

In the respective local online calendars of the local branches, a customer created via the branch manager is marked as the following:

In case the local branch needs to make local changes to the customer data, these will ONLY be changed for the respective online calendar, but NOT globally for all other assigned branches of your company's branch manager:

3. Delete customers
Similar to creating new customers, you can also delete specific customers from the database and they will then no longer be visible for all branches. In general, globally created customers can only be deleted via the branch manager and not in the local accounts itself:

You can only delete customer data if he/she really has no appointments booked in one of your branches. If, for example, there is still an appointment booked in the future, the customer will not be deleted in the specific branch. The customer can only be deleted once the appointment has been deleted or has taken place. An error message will appear in the tab "Customers to delete":