Here's what you need to know:
This is a TIMIFY Enterprise app.
Video calls made using this app are chargeable. Prices start at 0.0046 cents/minute and go up to 0.08 cents/minute.
MeetMe is browser-based.
For further essential information on the app, please check out this article.
Article structure:
1. How to turn a service into a MeetMe service
2. All about collections and service categories
3. How to manage your meeting preferences
4. How to set personalised email alert and in-app messaging
5. FAQs
1. How to turn a service into a MeetMe service
First you need a service which shall become a video service. If you already have one, go to the next paragraph.
If not, create a service first. You can find out exactly how this works here.
Open the MeetMe App via Apps → App Marketplace and selecting the TIMIFY MeetMe App. Click on the gear symbol at the top right and then on the red button "Create a MeetMe Collection". A new window opens. Select the service you want to turn into MeetMe services there and hit the "Save" button.

2. All about collections and service categories
Collections not only allow you to turn a service into a MeetMe service, but also to group similar virtual meetings together. So, you can apply the same personalised email alert and in-app messaging for those meetings. For example, you add all your internal conference calls to one collection, and all your client meetings to another collection.
Our tip: go and edit the names of your existing services and groups, or create new ones, and include "MeetMe" or "video" in the title, so that it's clear they're MeetMe events.
Click on "Create a MeetMe Collection" and select the services and groups you want to group together. Rest assured: collections aren't set in stone. You can go into your collection anytime, and edit the groups and services.
For the example below, we created a new service category, "Let's Connect", and added some video and audio call options for clients.
Tip: Categories provide a better overview of your services. Therefore, also create categories for MeetMe services.

For our example we also added two new group categories: virtual meetings for the team (internal meetings), and virtual meetings for clients (which appear on the booking widget, for clients to schedule).

Any time you create a service or group, you have to give a duration time. There is no automatic cut-off from the app after you reach a certain amount of time. So, if your meeting runs over, rest assured the call will only end when all participants exit the meeting.
When a service or group service that you add to the app gets booked - either added to your calendar, or self-scheduled by customers using the booking widget - a TIMIFY MeetMe is added to your TIMIFY Calendar. An email notification gets sent to the participants with the link to the meeting.
3. How to manage your meeting preferences
Click on the gear symbol at the top right and scroll down to My MeetMe default preferences:

Here you can customise the default email alert and in-app messaging. The default preferences will appear for every scheduled MeetMe Service unless you have personalised the preferences for certain services (see 4. How to set personalised email alert and in-app messaging).

Important: the link to the MeetMe video or call always displays at the bottom of the email. We strongly recommend that you explain in your email text, that the participant needs to click on this to join the meeting. What is more, you can enable the waiting room in order to have more control on who joins the meeting and make sure no unwanted visitors show up.
You can go back and edit what services and/or groups belong to a MeetMe category anytime. Now, when you add this group to your booking, behind the scenes, the app will register this, and list the booking in your app.
4. How to set personalised email alert and in-app messaging
This is optional - you can always opt to use your default settings, and apply them to all your collections. You can manage your default settings from the settings home screen.
However, your participants will likely be reassured (and impressed) if you add customised messaging for your collections. Click on the edit pencil for the collections you want to personalise.

A new window opens, and you have the possibility to overwrite the default settings for this collection.

Note: this email alert attaches to the standard booking confirmation email. That means, the group or service name is listed, the time, date, duration, and resource list is also available. So there is no need to greet your participant again.
Here we customised the messaging for an internal team call weekly and this is how your MeetMe message will appear:

That's it! Now, anytime a MeetMe group or service gets booked, a MeetMe will be auto-generated: the participant will get an email alert with a meeting link; plus the session will land in your Calendar and get listed in your "Upcoming Meetings" tab here:

5. FAQs
Q. What happens if l delete an upcoming meeting from the MeetMe app home screen? Will my participant(s) get a cancellation notification?
A. If you delete a meeting from your app, all participants will receive an email cancellation notification - the exact same notification as for a regular booking getting cancelled. This is automated.
Q. How does the app track my calls? How does it know whether to charge me for a 1:1 meeting, or for a large group meeting?
A. The app automatically detects how many participants are on a call, and how long the class lasted. This will be listed in your monthly invoice and you can have a look at it any time in your meeting history: